Week 2: The Sensing Self
Major Questions
- -How much to I absorb every day that I do not notice?!
- -What does it mean to live life in an “experiential” manner?
Part 1: The Mezzanine Nicholson Baker or The Bee Dance –Thomas Hanna
- -Exactly how much attention are we CAPABLE of paying? THAT is the level of attention I want you to give during the next exercise.
- -We have the capacity to take in SO MUCH… and we DO, but we filter out the “less important” things. What if everything was important?
- -What happens to us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically when we loosen that filter.
Part II: External Attention: Condensed 5 Walks Exercise
**CHANGE ENVIRONMENTS: Possibly OUTSIDE? Throughout Dittmann? In the student art gallery?
- -As you walk notice what new things you’ve never noticed before or don’t usually pay attention to.
- Discussion: CONSTANT sense of curiosity yields greater sense of appreciation, – —-Did you feel a sense of broadening physically, mentally, or emotionally?
- -(As dancers) the potential of constant newness might help keep movement material ‘fresh’ for performance.
Part III: Internal Attention:
**Take sight out of the equation
- -Stand & Drift over the feet.
- -Humming into kidneys à Feel the resonant sensation of that
- -Pressure, Release: Aligning femur into the hip socket, applying pressure around the skull and releasing to feel the head ‘float’ off the spine
- -3 Dimensional Breathing?
- -Teach a very simple pattern including inverted moments, aligning moments, changes in tempo. Practice with eyes closed.
- -Experiential anatomy books
- –The Mezzanine
- –Becoming Animal
- –The Bee Dance- Thomas Hanna
Week 3: An Intention-full Life
Major Questions
- Where do I find intention? Owning choices, energetic motivation, breath propulsion…?
- -How many of your choices are deliberate or unconscious? What is the value of unconscious decisions?
Part I: Examples:
- -Watch Baby Video & Look at Animal Images
- Discuss desire, integration of movement, intention, and emotion
- -Possibly address evolutionary sense of self, self as animal body with animal behaviors driven by animal desires & needs
- -For animals choices are often the difference between survival and death. Do we take any of our choices so seriously today?
Part II: Energetic Anatomy
- -Brief overview of the Chakra system
- -Explore intention from an energetic/bodily point of view
- -What is the energetic intention of the lower pelvis?
- Teach a short movement phrase
- —-Where are the moments that different energetic intentions show up?
- —-What is the difference between “intention” and movement “quality”?
Part III: Authentic Movement
- – Where does the choice to move originate?
- -Making choices in performance
- -Discuss the instantaneous vs thoughtful natures of intention: where/when do intention and actions become more integrated vs more separate.
- -Chakra Images
- -Animal Images
- -Baby Video