Bryson Andres Cover of One Republic’s Secrets
As part of his method, Alexander warns against what he calls, end-gaining, that is approaching a project giving attention only to the end product and not the process to reach that goal. In this video the musician builds a remix cover of One Republic’s Secrets by recording loops that form the baseline and harmony that layer underneath varying melodies. What is interesting is that the building process is as much a part of the product as is the cover itself because he establishes these layers in performance. However, he doesn’t just establish the underlying parts then play the cover, but the piece becomes something completely independent of its inspiration. What if he had layered the phrases differently? It would be a different song…with the same ending. Furthermore, he finds other melodies to contribute to the piece that are not part of the original song by allowing the process to lead the song instead of his intention to cover Secrets. By allowing the development to be part of the performance the musician affords himself the freedom to invent each subsequent line, opening up creative potential. It is this ethos that also underlies movement improvisation. The next step, the next phrase, is uncharted territory, yet it is informed by what came before and by what the mover wants to establish. Each step of how the mover establishes his or her intention is governed by the process and the development carries as much weight as the product, because it IS the product.
-Julia Moser-Hardy